Programmatic SEO refers to the automated creation of large numbers of targeted web pages to rank for specific keywords and drive organic search traffic.
Read this overview.
Programmatic SEO, Explained for Beginners
Review how Zapier structured their app directory, with detailed generated pages and lots of inter-linking.
Analyze your content and general SEO recommendations to answer the following questions:
Create and publish a sample page
How to Write Title Tags for SEO
How to Write the Perfect Meta Description
Analyze it with Page Speed Insights, and optimize page speed for mobile-first indexing
Generate your individual content pages
Generate your browse-able directory pages (analyze & optimize these with Page Speed too)
Create a robots.txt file
Generate and submit a XML Sitemap
Setup Google Search Console
Setup Bing Webmaster Tools - Bing’s search index & APIs power many alternative search engines, such as duckduckgo
Use a tool like ahrefs for continuous improvement
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